Nyvara looked at the water ahead of them, filling the tunnel as it sloped down into the depths. That Zarenis wanted her to swim though it was just ridiculous. She already regretted having agreed to help the tiefling out, but the problem was that she was too far into it to back out. The only escape route from this passage that she knew of was through a hideous barrier of flesh-eating vegetation that she had absolutely no idea how to neutralise. If she tried to leave, she would probably die in the attempt.
But going ahead looked no safer. She had to try to appeal to whatever sense of preservation Zarenis still had.
“We don’t know how far the water goes,” she pointed out, “we could drown.”
“It’s not that far. We’re physically fit; we can swim it.” The tiefling woman sounded quite positive. Nyvara almost asked her how she could be so certain, but bit back the question. It was the Presence, of course; that strange infernal entity that spoke to her in her head, or whatever it was it did.
“Well don’t forget, there’s a celestial waiting on the other side,” she said instead, “the creature we fought before was one thing, but how can we hope to fight a celestial? I don’t know much about them, but I do know they’re incredibly powerful. I bet even hardened adventurers would think twice about taking one on, and we’re going to allow it to jump us while we’re trying to get out of the water. It’s suicide!”