Almandar was surprised to find Dolrim apparently standing guard behind the doorway to the villa. The dwarf looked grim – even more so than usual – and was still dressed in full armour, his weapons at the ready.
“Where have you been?” his fellow adventurer asked gruffly, “we expected you some time ago.”
“Seeing to Skirina’s security,” he replied, conscious that he had been doing rather more with the young woman than that, “as we agreed. Has something happened?”
The dwarf simply nodded, “you had best see Tarissa. She is in the kitchen..”
The urgency in Dolrim’s voice convinced Almandar to head there straight away. It sounded as if something very serious had occurred, perhaps here at the villa, while he had been away enjoying himself. And for what? After they had had sex, Skirina had simply upped and disappeared. There had been, he now realised belatedly, something very strange about her, something that didn’t quite fit the image she had been trying to project.
When he had discovered the note that she must have left for him just before she left, it had only confirmed that she had been keeping secrets. But whatever the truth was, he doubted he would see her again.