27 November, 2010

23: Kaeranna

[Start from the beginning]

“Thank you for inviting me over,” said Kaeranna, stepping into the kitchen, “it’s been a while.”

Fentik nodded; there had been a number of reasons why he had not seen the gnomish woman recently, and many of them were ones he did not want to admit to. Nor was he going to admit to his ulterior motive for inviting her to his house tonight. Instead, he simply said, “I agree, it’s been too long, but with one thing and another… well, I hope to make up for it tonight. Just you and me… you don’t mind that, do you?”

“No, of course not,” she said, smiling, “I think the last time we really met was at Lugdan’s, and it seemed that half the gnomes in the city were there. It will be nice to have a bit more quiet…” her eyes widened, as she saw how he had decorated the table, with a white cloth and his best cutlery, not to mention two silver candlesticks, which cast the only the light in the room aside from the roaring fire in the hearth. “All this in honour of me? I’m impressed.”

“Thank you,” he said, “as you said, it’s been a while, and I wanted to make up for that. I hope you like the food as much.”

He pulled out a chair, and motioned for her to sit. As she did so, he rested his hand briefly on her shoulder, feeling her warmth through the white cotton of her blouse. He kept it there just a second longer than was strictly necessary, but she did not respond. Was that a good sign, or a bad one? Possibly good, he thought, but he would have to see how the evening played out.